Frequently Asked SEO Questions


Why aren't my SEO results where the SEO report says?

Ranking reports can be tricky. Google and other search engines use Datacenters across the planet to serve up data to searches. These data centers can be out of sync and display different results based on which data center you hit. This could be most noticeable if you had a large jump in a keywords position. One data center may have that jump recorded, while the others haven't caught up yet.

An even bigger discrepancy comes from the location in which you are searching. For example, if I search the keyword "Best Plumber" here in West Virginia, they aren't going to show me the same list of companies that you will see if you search that in New York.

Our reporting at the current time only searches the results on a national level. Often this means if you pick National level keywords like "Best Plumber" the report will almost certainly report back a "0". Often agencies and clients will opt to add a location directly to the keyword. That way we target the keyword "Brooklyn Best Plumber" as the main keyword.

This accomplishes a couple of things. First, it's very common for many searches to include a location when searching. I don't want to waste time contacting a plumber out of my area by mistake if google didn't give me the best results, so instinctually, I personally add a location to my search. Having that location helps really lock in those good results when it comes to ranking.

Secondly, adding that location and getting search metrics for it helps reinforce that you are indeed a plumber and in Brooklyn, making you more likely to rank the national form within that service area, meaning someone in Brooklyn just searching for "Best Plumber" will still likely find you, even If our current reporting capabilities don't reflect that.

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